Car Rider Procedures

Morning & Afternoon Car Rider Procedures

Cars will proceed single file on the car rider loop to the black top and will begin to fill in rows on the black top as directed by staff. The first lane (Lane 1) is the furthest from the school and closest to the track. Once this line is filled, additional cars will pull in immediately to the left and fill the second row. It is important that the end of the first row does not block incoming cars. Finally, if needed, cars will fill the third row closest to the building. Cars will be released to proceed down the hill in the order they arrive to the school. Please see the diagram on the back of this memo to help illustrate the new procedures.

Once the car rider line is no longer in danger of being in the road, the staff member directing traffic on the blacktop may direct cars to simply create one single lane. A school staff member will be present on the blacktop to assist in directing traffic and there will be labeled cones as well to label each lane in order of filling.

Our hope is that this will help create a safe environment for our morning arrival and afternoon dismissal for students and families. Please feel free to contact the office if you have any additional questions or concerns. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we implement this new system.

Car Rider Loop
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